Friday, November 11, 2011


pages read this week: 203
semester: 2007

I have grown so much as a reader this semester. I would say I used to not be a reader at all. I think having the freedom to read whatever I would like and whenever has helped this. During the summer, I would always enjoy reading books for fun by the pool. Then I would dread starting school and being forced to read a bunch of big-yawn books. I have loved taking this class and being about to somewhat fall back in love with reading.
This semester I read a range of books. I think that was beneficial for me to change up the topics of my books. I didn't get bored so easily. I also found that I LOVE nonfictional books. My favorite book of the semester was probably Mind Gym. It was pretty short and sweet but I loved all of the famous quotes and factual studies that were mentioned. Honestly, I chose to read most of the books I read because either someone told me to or the cover looked pretty cool (A Million Little Pieces).
Sometimes meeting the reading quota would be hard during the week, but I found that reading during class when you have down time helped to get some pages down. When I read at home, I really like to listen to chill music. Most people find that distracting but music always seems to calm my mind; I can't really do homework without some tunage. My absolute favorite band and the best music to read to is The Fray, especially their first album.
I always laughed when something would occur during my week that would remind me of a book I was reading. Also I really found it helpful to watch the movie the corresponded with my books to help visualize events and characters in my mind.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Last Blog

It's here. My last blog! I'm almost to the end of My Sister's Keeper. I really love reading Jodi Picoult's work. I know she has a lot more novels that would be interesting to read. I like her because her topics are usually unexpected and creative. Who would ever think of writing about a designed-child created to save her dying sister. It seems unreal. I'm still torn about my opinions concerning this topic. Of course a family should do anything to help their children, especially to save their life, but there are limits. I would be really concerned about Anna's (younger sister) feelings and definitely her health if I were her parent. I'm just thankful that I'm not in their position.
So I'm supposed to do my book talk coming up soon in class. I can't decide which book I should talk about! I've read so many great novels from a good range of topics. I can describe my intense drug memoirs or romantic dramas. I feel like I would have a lot of good excerpts to read from in A Million Little Pieces or My Friend Leonard. These settings are exciting and the topic is very interesting and a definite crowd pleaser.
Anyways, thanks Mr. Hill for being such an awesome teacher. Your class as been one of my favorites by far. I love how excited you get about teachings us new things; it's easier to want to learn new things when the educator is just as enthusiastic. I'm also surrounded by a great group of students in your class. So thanks :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Last Week

I can't believe this is already our last week of blogging! This semester is flying by, which makes me really happy. I'm so ready to go to college!! In fact I just recently committed to Ohio University to swim next fall. Go Bobcats! Anyways, I'm not going to lie, I thought having to blog was going to be a big pain at the beginning of this class. Now blogging has become my favorite part of this class. I love being able to reflect about anything regarding my book of choice. So cool.
So I'm still in the middle of reading My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult. On my way to a recruit visit to OU this past weekend (5 hour drive yay!) I actually got to read the book and watch the movie. I don't think I can get through that movie without crying. It was nice being able to put faces to the characters after I had just watched the movie. One aspect I'm actually disappointed with in the movie is that Jessie (the brother) isn't depicted as such a big rebel. Sure he has his moments when he stays out late but the movie doesn't really show Jessie doing destructive things. In the book, Jessie is a regular fire-maniac. He finds pleasure in finding old, abandoned buildings to set on fire. What's ironic is that his dad, Brian, is a firefighter. While Brian can go to work doing his regular work, he has no idea that some of these fires are caused by his son.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


pages this week:106+52=158
semester: 1804

"Birds floating so close together in some places that she couldn't see the water. From a distance, the groups of swans looked almost like icebergs."
"I close my eyes and become a mighty ship in churning waters, strong and fearless, and she is my sails."
I love these lines from the book because I love these scenes in the movie. Nicholas Sparks does a great job with his use of imagery; the pictures painted in my head are very similar to the movie.