Friday, November 11, 2011


pages read this week: 203
semester: 2007

I have grown so much as a reader this semester. I would say I used to not be a reader at all. I think having the freedom to read whatever I would like and whenever has helped this. During the summer, I would always enjoy reading books for fun by the pool. Then I would dread starting school and being forced to read a bunch of big-yawn books. I have loved taking this class and being about to somewhat fall back in love with reading.
This semester I read a range of books. I think that was beneficial for me to change up the topics of my books. I didn't get bored so easily. I also found that I LOVE nonfictional books. My favorite book of the semester was probably Mind Gym. It was pretty short and sweet but I loved all of the famous quotes and factual studies that were mentioned. Honestly, I chose to read most of the books I read because either someone told me to or the cover looked pretty cool (A Million Little Pieces).
Sometimes meeting the reading quota would be hard during the week, but I found that reading during class when you have down time helped to get some pages down. When I read at home, I really like to listen to chill music. Most people find that distracting but music always seems to calm my mind; I can't really do homework without some tunage. My absolute favorite band and the best music to read to is The Fray, especially their first album.
I always laughed when something would occur during my week that would remind me of a book I was reading. Also I really found it helpful to watch the movie the corresponded with my books to help visualize events and characters in my mind.

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