Thursday, September 15, 2011

102 Minutes

There have been several books, TV specials, and articles regarding the terrorist attack on 9/11. However, 102 Minutes by Jim Dwyer and Kevin Flynn go deeper than ever, they relay "the untold story of the fight to survive inside the Twin Towers." This book contains factual information based on interviews, phone calls, and the buildings recorded conditions before the attack. It's neat to see this story told from the eyes of the people stuck in the middle.
This book helps to point out just out clueless workers inside the building were. Most people thought it was another bombing attack like in 1993. Even workers in the South Tower who could see the damage were unaware of its cause. One of the biggest problems these victims had was no preparation. Most private companies the the WTC didn't have evacuation or emergency plans; if they did, no one took them seriously. A company in the South Tower (before it was hit) continued to prepare for a busy day of work after witnessing the attack. Most people were oblivious to the severity of this act. The ones who know what a great danger they were in were the people trapped above the impact sight, breathing in toxic smoke and unable to reach any stairs.
I think it's great to read a book like this. It helps to get the real information from real people. Not only does it open my eyes to all the events that actually occurred on that day but it makes me appreciate those who risked their lives to help save lives, like Abe Zelmanowitz who stayed behind to help his wheel-chaired friend evacuate.

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