Sunday, September 25, 2011

Epilogue to 102 Minutes

Well this weekend I finished 102 Minutes! It's interesting how many different emotions I felt while reading this book. Sometimes I was a little frustrated learning about all the poor communications and improper protocols, but then I would feel sad reading about the personalities and lives of innocent workers who died, followed with great appreciation for those that risked their lives. It was such a humbling book to read and I definitely encourage others to get it. It's not a book that follows a traditional climatic plot but it's about real life, which is so much better. I commend the authors of this book, Jim Dwyer and Kevin Flynn, for doing their detailed research and interviews. They make you feel like you're really in the event.
The epilogue at the end was a helpful addition to the book. It somewhat clarified why certain events happened. It was titled 11 Am Ground Zero so it showed only a small portion of the aftermath this attack would lead to. It starts out taking about a Port Authority police officer trapped underneath cement and debrie after the collapse of the towers. Since he had previously worked with elevator rescues at the WTC, he knew rescue operations wouldn't occur until a day after when everything was stable. He was stuck in a 45 degree angle, trapped, pinned down, and waiting to day. Reading about this man reminded me about the movie 127 Hours. Oh man is that an intense movie or what, at least for me. Like the police officer, a hiker, Aron Ralston, is trapped in a canyon's crack underneath a large rock. The movie shows the mental and physical struggles Aron faced for 127 hours until he finally amputated his arm to find help. I can't even image that. Just even the solitude would drive me crazy. I think its incredible to hear stories about victims caught it strange innocent and their stories of survival. (Speaking of, you know how people ask, "If you were stranded on an island, what one item would you bring?" Well I definitely would choose chapstick. I am so addicted to that stuff. I think I put chapstick on at the very least 20 times a day. I just bought a new exotic scented eos lip balm today and I am so pumped!) Luckily the officer was found by a US Marine who could direct rescuers to his location. Semper fidelis, always faithful. What a great story.

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