Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Pages read this week: 96+55=151
Semester total:1083

"There was nothing to do, Jimeno thought, except wait until they send out rescue parties in the morning. If they lived that long."
That's such a hard thing to grasp, for those trapped to accept the fact that they might not make it out of this.
"His old paramedic shirt torn, he plodded north in the late-summer night, alone, scuffling down streets blanketed by the dust that had been the World Trade Center."
Even though this sentence has a sad connotation, I love how the author phrases this statement; it kind of hits you right in the gut.
"...I realize why dawn is called mourning."
This is from my new book A Million Little Pieces by James Frey about a serious drug addict in rehab. Frey says this statement during his first days of detox and when he is feeling his worst; I love his use of words.

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