Sunday, October 30, 2011

Book vs Movie

The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks was such an easy read and I finished the book this weekend! It was a nice change to read an easier book that wasn't quite as depressing as my others books. I still can't even imagine what I would do if my spouse became so ill that he couldn't always remember me. I think writing a notebook about our lives is of course and interesting and heart-warming method for a book but this would never work in my life. I'm not a patient enough person to sit down and ready someone the same book every day. However, Noah's actions as they are growing older shows a lot about his patience and persistence along with his internal love for Allie.
Although I was somewhat disappointed with the book compared to the movie. The one scene I was really looking forward to reading was the part in the movie when Allie and Noah finally reunite during the rainy boat ride. After realizing that their love never ended, Noah grabs Allie and they have classic movie embrace moment. Well in the book, the passion and intensity is almost nonexistent during this scene. The two characters start having sexual desires for each other but they don't necessary act on this right away. Instead they dry off inside and get drunk together. This isn't quite as scandalous and exciting compared to the movie obviously.
However I was really pleased with the ending of this book. When I watch the movie, of course I sob like a baby at the end like any other emotional girl. Well I shared this same feeling while reading this book too. The words and metaphors Sparks uses to show Noah and Allie drifting away to Heaven is beautiful. I loved the line: "I close my eyes and become a mighty ship in churning waters, strong and fearless, and she is my sails." This line somewhat reflects upon the rest of the book as well; the author's organization of words and his imagery create a soothing and tranquil mood.

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