Saturday, October 8, 2011


Pages Read This Week:166
Semester Total:1249

"I hate that what I have turned to in my loneliness lives in a pipe or a bottle."
I love how he basically is using his tangible harmful treasures as his source for loneliness, and that he realizes this.
"More than anything, all I have ever wanted is to be close to someone."
It's sad that this man as been so alone all is life. He focuses all of his love towards drugs and alcohol instead of actual people.
"My eyes start to tear and the hair on the back of my neck stands straight and my tooth hurts like the point of a bayonet is being driven through it."
As a part of his therapy, James visits a dentist who repairs his much damaged with while using no sedatives or painkillers. It's incredible how descriptive this chapter was and how readers can feel his pain just by reading about it.

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